The Fourth Kind ,The creepy alien-abduction film releases today. It is about as real as the boogie man. Without all of its manipulated hocus-pocus, there’s not much substance to this mediocre alien abduction story. It’s a spectacular foil for Paranormal Activity,
The Fourth Kind is only mildly entertaining, more often for how ridiculous its characters act and how unbelievable its plot becomes, and it’s thoroughly insulting.
It’s very much about aliens, in fact. The premise is actually quite terrifying. Hundreds of unexplained disappearances in the desolate town of Nome, Alaska (a town that can only be reached by air travel). Shared visions, shared black-outs between residents of Nome, collective unconscious style. And when the audience, become privy to the “actual” abductions, well, they’re affecting.
Some of the case studies, in all their grainy video-glory, are pretty creepy. A slack-jawed Dr. Tyler settling back to her couch after being levitated by some other-worldly force. The film often goes to split-screen, showing what they claim is real footage of hypnosis sessions conducted by
Dr. Abigail Tyler, side-by-side with dramatized footage starring Milla Jovovich as Abigail (aka “Abbey”).
Abigail has demons of her own she can’t get over the recent death of her husband, which she claims was a murder. So she undergoes hypnotism and tries to see the face of the killer, who stabs her husband in their own bed at night.
When one particularly distraught patient turns to violence, Abigail is automatically suspected by the town’s sheriff, played by Will Patton, because she has been hypnotizing the patients and getting explosive reactions.
So while trailer claims the film to be very exciting with full of paranormal activities, the movie fails to make an impact on audience mind. Though the definition of the movie’s title The Fourth Kind means alien abduction, it is not justified, according to the movie watcher.
There's a movie on its way that, for those that have seen it, has caused quite a stir. Called The Fourth Kind, it revolves around the true story of an unsolved mystery in Alaska where one town has seen an extraordinary number of unexplained disappearances. If the film is to be believed, this was caused by aliens.
Switching between "real" footage of the psychiatrist (Dr. Abigail Tyler) who looked into the alleged alien abductions in Nome, Alaska - and Milla Jovovich playing the role of Tyler - the film uses "real" footage of Tyler's videotaped sessions with traumatised patients where we discover some of the most disturbing evidence of alien abduction ever documented.
Or do we? Many are questioning the validity of the Tyler story and whether the extraterrestrial events are the by product of a clever Fourth Kind marketing campaign. Even the Anchorage Daily News recently claimed that Nome's disappearances were probably caused by the high rate of alcoholism combined with the harsh landscape surrounding the town.
However, Christopher C. French, who teaches in the psychology department at Goldsmiths College in London, has also revealed that the alarmed state of the patients in the movie match real-life reactions of people who believe they have been abducted by aliens.
Whatever you believe, you should watch this just released featurette below that shows the different kind of encounters with extra-terrestrials and incorporates some of the "real" footage from the film.
The Fourth Kind will be in cinemas from 6 November.